I know that I haven't blogged very much this week, but I've been trying to get the house in order for next week, as well as trying to squeeze in a little extra work. As some of you may already know, I'm having surgery on Monday morning to FINALLY have my gall-bladder removed. I've been having attacks for the last 2 1/2 years, not knowing what they were, so I'm very glad to be getting this taken care of. At the same time, I've never had a surgery like this in my life, so I'm starting to get a little nervous. I don't really know what to expect, before or after, and I haven't been asking around for fear of tainting my own experience. I've talked to the doctor, and that's it. Anyway, John will be taking me to the surgery center in Denton at 7:00 in the morning and I'll be home sometime later that day. My mom will be watching the kids (thanks mom) and John will be home most of the week to watch the kids, except Friday when my sister-in-law will watch them (thanks Jennifer!) I don't know when I'll start blogging again, but hopefully sooner than later. Everyone be good and stay safe!
8 years ago
Audrey, they say that it is one of the easiest surgeries to recover from (my experience was a little different as it was only 3 weeks post c-section). You'll be great though and you'll be SO glad that you've had it taken care of!
Good luck! Hope everything goes well and that you have a smooth recovery! We'll be thinking of you!
I'm thinking of you! Hope all goes well!!
Get well soon! Glad to hear all went well with the surgery - hopefully it brings you relief.
I had this done and really only took a couple a days to recover fully. I had no problem after wards. Hopes yours goes well.
Audrey, I had my gallbladder out last November 2nd. I had been having horrible episodes that felt like heart attacks for the past couple of years, especially through pregnancies. I finally was diagnosed and had an emergency surgury to remove it. So, then the recovery was fine, and I was told to watch what I eat, because the foods go right through you. I thought Yeah, I will lose weight. Wrong, I still ate what I wanted and it didn't go through me any faster...LOL Darn it! But, everyone is different. Then I was at work about a month later and fell to the ground with the same awful pain but even worst and went to the emergency room thinking I was having a heart attack. NOPE, my geniuos of a doctor left a gall stone in my bile duct that I was passing. EVER since that I have been great and this pregnancy haven't had any troubles like before. So, don't be scared, it really is the easiest surgery and recovery ever. I have had many kinds of surgeries too. Good luck!
good luck Audrey. love your blog. I hope you & family are doing well!
Come on! Where's some surgery pics??? ;)
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