Is it just me, or has the month of December just snuck by? The last thing I remember is Black Friday shopping and now here it is, the 19th of December and Christmas is this week! I mean, what happened!?!? Of course, I should feel like it's creeping by because I'm at that point in my pregnancy where everyone always asks "So, ready to have that baby?" or "You're still pregnant?", and such. For anyone whose ever been pregnant, you know that those questions get real old, real fast. But just so that the whole world knows, I'm going in tomorrow morning to be naturally induced. What this means is that we might have a baby tomorrow and we might not (though I'm counting on it.) So if we do, everyone will be getting birth announcements in the near future. (Of course, I guess you will be no matter what b/c he's got to come at some point, right!?!? I mean, no one's ever been pregnant forever!)
In the process of this month flying by we've had alot of fun, too. Christmas parties, tree decorating, visiting Santa and lounging around the house. (We actually do that alot right now b/c Mommy's feet swell up like apples when I walk around too much. In fact, it's not unusual to hear Margaret say "Mommy, are your feet turning into apples now?" So here are just a few pictures of our fun month so far:
Sunday, December 19, 2010
December Fun
Show Some Love for Audrey and Leave Your Mark (7)
Friday, December 17, 2010
A Conversation with a 3-Year Old
After eating lunch at Taco Bueno Margaret and I had this conversation in the car:
A: (sneezing and sniffling)
M: What's wrong mom?
A: I don't know. My nose started bothering me while we were at Taco Bueno and now I can't stop sneezing.
M: Yuck! You mean you have Taco Bueno in your nose!?!?
Ah, the thinking of a 3-year old. :)
Show Some Love for Audrey and Leave Your Mark (1)
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Obviously I haven't posted in awhile... that seems to be a trend of mine. But today's post is going to be a catch-up of the past several months so that I can stop feeling overwhelmed with all I need to post and just move forward from here. Don't worry, I won't make it too long; just lots of pictures.
Thanksgiving is always fun for us since all of our family lives close by. We alternate each year whether we eat dinner at my family's or John's and then go to the other's house for dessert. This year we had dinner with John's family and dessert with my family. My nephew Hunter showed up just as I was getting the rolls together and he insisted on "helping" me. Actually, all he really wanted to do was come and squish everything in an attempt to make the ugliest rolls on the planet and then give all of the credit to me. I eventually had to threaten him with no dinner if he didn't make the most beautiful rolls possible. I mean, come on, he's a budding artist for crying out loud! He should have taken the opportunity to show off his mad skills.
Yeah, don't laugh until you've tried it; that game was very addicting! I would dance for a song, then sit down and have a bunch of Braxton Hicks contractions, then I'd get up and do it all over again. If I had remembered that John and I were going out for Black Friday shopping then I probably would have taken it a little easier. As it was, when we got home we put the kids to bed, put our lists together and hit Wal-Mart at midnight. We stayed out shopping until 8:00 in the morning. Needless to say, it took us several days to recover and my body was killing me, but we got some super-hot deals. But I don't know if we'll be doing that again... it was rough!
Show Some Love for Audrey and Leave Your Mark (3)
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Girls Camp 2010
I had the opportunity to go to girls camp again this year, and I'm so glad that I went. It was truly an amazing experience for me. We came home last Saturday, so it's been a week, but the memories are still fresh on my mind. Because I went as a stake leader this year instead of a ward leader, my experience was very different. While I grew very close to the leaders and girls that I went with last year, this year I had the opportunity to experience that on a much greater scale. I can't begin to tell you how many new people I met (and instantly fell in love with) or how many friendships were strengthened as a result of camp. I loved getting to meet so many wonderful and amazing women (and men.) But I had so much fun with the girls too. Whoever said that serving in the Stake YW Presidency inhibits you from developing close relationships with the girls was wrong. I would see these girls at dances, activities, in the halls and at camp, and I feel like my relationships with them are "tight." I had so much fun with so many of the girls at camp... they are amazing.
Of course, as much fun as camp was for me, it was also a very bittersweet experience. Our family moved out of the Frisco stake at the end of June, so going to girls camp with them was sort of my final "hoorah." And now, doggone-it, I'm suffering from separation anxiety (or something.) I had this wonderful, fun, spiritual experience with so many great people and then I was released from my calling Saturday morning and drove home. Talk about a loooonng, hard, emotional drive home. I cried pretty much the entire way. When I drove away from camp, I felt like I had lost much more than a calling. But I can't go on about that or I'll start crying instead of typing and we all know that I'm way overdue for a blog post!
Show Some Love for Audrey and Leave Your Mark (1)
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
I can't believe my little girl turns 3 today. I've always been one of those moms that stands over my kids' beds at night and cries over how big they're getting. At least, most of the time. Margaret has been quite the pill since the day she was born and, I'll be honest, she and I just didn't get along very well. But something has changed over the last six months that has allowed she and I to finally bond. And since potty training earlier this month, she has been a completely different, happier little girl.
Three things you do that I love:
Show Some Love for Audrey and Leave Your Mark (4)